Resolve to Be Healthier in 2020

Resolve to Be Healthier Tampa FLFor many people, a New Year represents a fresh start—a time of hope and promise, and an opportunity to disrupt bad habits and establish new patterns. If you’re inspired to better yourself, good for you! Here are some ways to harness that motivation and begin making powerful, lasting changes that will improve your health and wellness throughout the New Year and beyond:

Nix the Resolutions

No matter how well-intended it might be, a New Year’s resolution is nothing more than a temporary pledge. It takes much more to actualize a positive change; you need to take concrete steps and cultivate new habits to support it. Then, you need to commit to maintaining those habits, even when it becomes difficult. Consistency is the key to achieving lifelong wellness.

Start Out Small

If you try to make several sweeping lifestyle changes all at once, you’ll likely become overwhelmed very quickly and tempted to abandon your efforts altogether. Instead, start out small and set goals that are easy to achieve. Whatever it is—eating a good breakfast, flossing your teeth, taking a walk, getting enough sleep—do it on a daily basis, and soon it will become a regular part of your life. Then, you can then gradually expand upon it. If you experience a setback, don’t beat yourself up; just go back to doing what you were doing before and then try again later.

Embrace Flexibility

Forget about trying to achieve the perfect work-life balance—it doesn’t exist. In truth, you must meet multiple wide-ranging obligations every single day. If you don’t make some concessions, the constant juggling act will leave you feeling dizzy and stressed out. Instead of trying to draw sharp lines between your work life and your personal life, and focusing too hard on where one ends and the other begins, look for positive ways to blend the various elements together. It’s important to accept the fact that the boundaries of your work life and your personal life are often blurred.

If you’d like some additional health and lifestyle tips from the medical professionals at South Tampa Immediate Care, check out our online series of health articles. Or, feel free to contact or visit our walk-in urgent care center, which is located at 602 South Howard Avenue in Tampa, FL.