Pregnancy Tests – How to Ensure an Accurate Result

Pregnancy TestsMany home pregnancy tests can be very reliable if the package instructions are followed carefully and the test kit is used prior to its expiration date. In general, most experts agree that an accurate result can be obtained if a test is administered first thing in the morning (when the urine is most concentrated) at least one day after a missed menstrual period.

For an even higher level of accuracy, it’s best to wait at least one week after a missed period before taking a home pregnancy test. That’s because, at that point, the level of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), a hormone that is produced after a fertilized egg attaches to the uterine wall, should be high enough to be detectable in the urine. Even if a negative result is obtained, it’s a good idea to take another test within a few days to rule out the possibility of incorrect administration the first time, or that the concentration of HCG was too low to be detected when tested.

Nevertheless, if you’re feeling anxious and suspect that you may have conceived, you can try taking a home pregnancy test even earlier, before you miss a period. Upon obtaining a positive result, you should promptly see a doctor, who can confirm or invalidate the home test result through pregnancy urinalysis, blood testing, and/or a pelvic exam. A physician can also provide advice on appropriate pre-natal care, or help you get your menstrual cycle back on track if you’ve missed a period but are not pregnant.

While rare, a false-positive home pregnancy test result is possible. For instance, this can sometimes occur if a woman was recently pregnant, is taking a fertility drug that contains HCG, is taking certain other medications, or has protein or blood in her urine.

To learn more, or if you would like to have a urine pregnancy test, please contact or visit South Tampa Immediate Care, where you can be tested at our comfortable and discreet walk-in clinic today.