Health and Fitness on Campus – Advice From Trusted Doctors in Tampa, FL

With academics, work, family obligations, sports, and social activities competing for their limited time, college students face many challenges. To thrive during this exciting, busy, and often stressful life chapter, it is essential to have a solid health and wellness program in place. The doctors at South Tampa Immediate Care in Tampa, Florida, offer the following health and wellness tips that can provide immediate benefits—as well as a lifetime of value—for college students:

Eat a Healthy Diet

For many young people, the transition to college life leads to weight gain. Freshmen are particularly prone to packing on a few extra pounds due to new (and not-so-healthy) habits, such as eating on the go, skipping breakfast and overeating later, snacking during late-night study sessions, and drinking alcoholic beverages during social events. Here are some effective ways to stay properly fueled while avoiding the “Freshman 15:”

  • Avoid “empty” calories – One of the most effective ways to cut calories is to substitute water for sugar-sweetened beverages, such as sodas, fruit juices, smoothies, coffee shop brews, sports and energy drinks, and alcoholic beverages. Liquid calories tend to be nutrient-poor with little to no fiber, protein, vitamins, or minerals, and can also be high in fat.
  • Use portion control – Most restaurant orders exceed the recommended caloric requirements for a single meal. You can get around this by avoiding appetizers and desserts, splinting an entree with a dining companion, and taking some of your food to go so you can eat it the next day. You can also strategize by looking at the menu online and deciding what you will order before you get there.
  • Focus on fruits and vegetables – Experts recommend filling half your plate at every meal with colorful fruits and vegetables, which have fewer calories than other food groups, contain filling fiber, and offer heart-healthy and cancer-fighting antioxidants. Ideally, the rest of your plate should consist of healthy proteins and whole grains.
  • Track your eating – The effects of mindless snacking can quickly add up. For one week, write down everything you eat, then look for unhealthy patterns and opportunities to make positive changes. For example, you might start each dinner with a small salad to help you feel full more quickly.

Exercise Regularly

Incorporating some fitness time into your daily routine will improve not only your physical health but also your overall well-being. Here are some simple but effective strategies for busy college students:

  • Commute by walking or biking – As you navigate your daily schedule, look for easy opportunities to exercise. For instance, you could walk or bike to your destination whenever safely possible.
  • Exercise during study breaks – Numerous studies suggest that an effective way to boost productivity is to focus on a task for about 60 minutes, and then take a 15-minute break. A study break is a great time to take a brisk walk, climb a few flights of stairs, or do some quick exercises. You will feel re-energized and can return to the task at hand in a more relaxed state of mind.
  • Find an activity you enjoy – Not everyone likes running or lifting weights. The key to creating a sustainable exercise habit is to choose something active that you want to do, such as playing tennis or frisbee, taking a yoga or dance class, or rollerblading.
  • Track your progress – Smartphones and wearable fitness trackers can help you stay on top of your daily activity levels. You might be surprised by how little—or how much—exercise you are getting each day.

Get Regular Health Screenings and Checkups

Most colleges make it easy for enrolled students to stay healthy by providing readily accessible healthcare services and physical activities on campus. Additionally, if you need non-emergency urgent care, you can always turn to South Tampa Immediate Care. We are located at 602 S. Howard Ave. in Tampa, FL, where we see many students from the University of South Florida, the University of Tampa, Hillsborough Community College, and other area colleges. Stop by today or make a reservation online.