Chlamydia Testing for the Answers You Need in Tampa, FL

Chlamydia Testing Tampa FL

The prospect of chlamydia testing might seem a bit intimidating. But, without this relatively simple test, it is impossible to know for sure whether or not you are infected. That’s because this highly contagious, sexually transmitted disease (STD), which can affect both men and women, does not always produce symptoms.

Also, when chlamydia symptoms do develop, they often mimic those of other common STDs, such as gonorrhea. Early detection of chlamydia is vital because, without prompt antibiotic treatment, an otherwise curable infection could lead to the development a number of complications, some of which are potentially serious. With proper treatment, however, most chlamydia cases resolve within a few weeks.

When should you have a chlamydia test?

Usually, chlamydia testing is performed by request – it is not typically included as part a routine physical or gynecological examination. The best way to find out whether you should be tested (and at what frequency) is to talk with a physician. Additionally, you should specifically request a chlamydia test if:

  • You notice unusual discharge from your vagina (women), penis (men), or rectum
  • You experience pain during urination
  • A sexual partner reveals that he or she has chlamydia
  • You’ve had unprotected sex

At South Tampa Immediate Care, there’s no need to feel embarrassed about chlamydia testing. Our team is here to help you stay healthy – not judge you. We encourage you to be as open and honest as possible about your health and lifestyle. That way, we can recommend the most appropriate diagnostic tests for you.

Why not take advantage of the confidential chlamydia testing services available at South Tampa Immediate Care today? You don’t need an appointment – just walk in. If you have a chlamydia infection, the sooner you know, the sooner you can take steps to address it.